Here's what some of our published customers say about our editing and research publication services:

"I used Charlesworth Author Services for my last orthopaedic publications, in different high-ranked journals. The provided service is fast, competent and convenient; the website and the correspondence are examplary. I will continue to use this high-quality service in the future."
Dr M. Ezechiele

“Charlesworth editors are actually “partners in writing” to me as they not only review my language and style critically, but also the content of the manuscripts and flag when things in the text are unclear or do not add up. This provides immense added value to me as the text because so much better for it. I can heartily recommend them!”
Dr. André de Waal MBA

"The proofreading and editing service that I took from Charlesworth Author Services was excellent. I was impressed with the quality of the service in the sense that it did not only do the proofreading and editing, it also synthesized the article in line with the formatting and referencing system of the journal to which my paper was submitted."
Dr. Prof. Ayhan Kaya
Istanbul Bilgi University

"I would recommend Charlesworth Author Services to authors that want to have their papers edited. As a non-native speaker of English, Charlesworth Author Services helped me save time and allowed me to focus on the content of my manuscripts."
Jhony Choon Yeong Ng
Nanjing Univsersity of Aeronautics and Astronomics, China

“I strongly recommend Charlesworth Author Services! The copyediting services have always been detailed, reliable, and prompt. Several of my edited papers have been published in high-ranked journals such as the Journal of International Business Studies, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.“
Louis Nguyen
Kings College London

"I have used Charlesworth Author Services in the past two years. I thought the quality of your service was very good. All of my articles that Charlesworth Author Services revised have been accepted by my journal."
Wu Kai
Zhujiang Hospital of Southern Medical University

“Charlesworth Author Services provide fast, thorough and affordable proofreading and editing services, especially for non-native English speakers. No further editing was required for all my articles revised by Charlesworth Author Services, accepted for publication in peer reviewed journals (examples include Healthcare, Frontiers in Psychology, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health).”
Prof. Antonella Granieri
University of Turin