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Learning to craft successful job applications with Charlesworth Knowledge

Learning to craft successful job applications with Charlesworth Knowledge

Nearly finished your PhD? Thinking of your next move? Now is the time to start working on your CV and we can help. There’s no need to worry, but at the same time, it’s never too soon to think about your next move. Keep a watchful eye on which jobs are available, where, and how to apply. Perhaps you’ve recently seen a great job you’d like to apply for?


Charlesworth early-career researcher (ECR) transferrable skills training courses are a must: we can help you to maximise your potential when talking to a recruiter, writing an employment covering letter or CV, or attending an interview. We can’t promise you will definitely get the job, but we can help you to give yourself the best possible chance of success! Get in touch with one of our team for more information at helpdesk@cwauthors.com.


Applying for a job is usually a multi-step process. First, you’ll need to craft an effective CV (or resume) and summary of your skills and experience that you can send off in response to adverts. Your CV and covering letter are your passport to getting in front of your next employer.


How can you create and structure an effective CV?


It depends on what you want to use this document for. There are, however, two key things to keep in mind: keep your CV short and put the most important message you want to get across at the top. Most people tend to have a range of CVs which can be used for different purposes. And edit. Edit. Edit. Depending on the opportunity. Don’t just blindly send out the same file again and again and again. That’s a waste of time.


Who are you? What are your relevant qualifications? What experiences do you have that are relevant to the job, or opportunity, you are applying for? What are the two or three key things that you want people to read about you? Put these at the top of any document you send out.


As I mentioned above, it’s really key to think about how to tailor your CV to the opportunity on offer; no-one cares, for example, about my PhD in geology if I’m applying for roles with publishing companies, but for academic positions or grant applications, my specific qualifications are important. Publishing and author services companies are interested in my experience working in this industry as an editor as well as managing peer review, handling manuscripts, teaching and writing content for author education, and leading workshops and webinars that help academics to be more effective as they write and publish their own work in English. Make sure you list your successes and achievements: What have you created? What tangible differences have you made to your employer, research group, or university?


You’d be surprised how many CVs and documents I read that don’t really say anything. No-one wants to read a dry list of your qualifications; these are important, but please try to make these documents as personal as possible. Engage with your audience. Name. Current position. Qualifications. Relevant experience. LinkedIn or ResearchGate profile address. References. Who are the senior people you know, your employer or supervisor, who might be able to write you supportive letters. Often this is more important than your CV itself; the recommendations that people send in support of your applications as well as the network you’ve built across your field.


Bear in mind that the most important initial stage of a job application is ensuring that you make it to the second stage, usually a screening interview. Again, this is why CVs and covering letters need to be specifically written depending on the opportunity. Once you are through the door, we can supply you with sets of generic, competancy-based interview questions you’ll likely be asked in an application situation – and show you how best to respond.


If you have questions about writing job applications or academic papers, then Charlesworth can help. Our training courses (which can be booked via institutions), online materials and blog articles contain numerous tips and tricks to help you navigate the global job market and maximise your employment and career potential. Our world-class English language editing services are designed to support your wider research and writing; why not run your next job application or CV past one of our PhD-level specialists working in the same research field as you?


Did you know that Charlesworth runs a free educational webinar at the end of each month, with special giveaways for everyone who attends? Our next webinar on July 30th is about enhancing your public speaking and presentation skills, another core transferrable skill which can help to advance your career. Sign up here.


Find out more about what we do and how we can help you at www.cwauthors.com.


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